Tamil Nadu

Recorded atrocities against SCs and STs - Tamil Nadu

Year SC ST Total
2022 1,761 67 1,828
2021 1,377 39 1,416
2020 1,274 23 1,297
2019 1,144 31 1,175
2018 1,413 15 1,428
2017 1,362 22 1,384
2016 1,291 19 1,310
2015 1,736 25 1,761
2014 1,494 18 1,512
2013 1,845 23 1,868
2012 1,647 27 1,674
2011 1,391 23 1,414
2010 1,631 33 1,664
2009 1,312 22 1,334
2008 1,618 14 1,632
2007 1,743 17 1,760
2006 991 24 1,015
2005 1,206 13 1,219
2004 1,156 27 1,183
2003 1,495 67 1,562
2002 2,097 77 2,174
2001 2,336 9 2,345
2000 1,296 9 1,305
1999 883 105 988
1998 1,562 31 1,593
1997 1,403 227 1,630
1996 1,812 85 1,897
1995 1,293 40 1,333
1994 1,449 144 1,593
1993 503 36 539
1992 550 36 586
Total 44,071 1,348 45,419

Source: Crime in India, National Crime Records Bureau.

District-wise Crime Data

District Factsheet 2021

District Factsheet 2020

State Annual Reports

All states submit annual reports on the implementation of the Act under Rule 18 of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Rules 1995, which states: 

18. Material for Annual Report.-
The state government shall every year before 31 March, forward the report to the union government about the measures taken for implementing provisions of the Act and various schemes/plans framed by it during the previous calendar year. 

The full annual reports of Tamil Nadu since 2010 are uploaded. For the earlier years, we have not yet been able to access the full reports. We are actively following up with the Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department and will upload the earlier reports when we get them. In the meantime, given below are the summary reports of the state extracted from the union report prepared under Section 21(4) of the Act. The summary reports are marked (S).

There is one consolidated summary union report for the state for the calendar years 1996 and 1997.

There is no data available for the years 1990-1995 even in the union reports.

State Annual Reports (Rule 18)

SVMC Minutes

The State Vigilance and Monitoring Committee (SVMC) is to meet every January and July to review the implementation of the Act in the state under Rule 16(2) of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Rules 1995, which states: The high power vigilance and monitoring committee shall meet at least twice in a calendar year, in the month of January and July to review the implementation of the provisions of the Act, scheme for the rights and entitlements of victims and witnesses in accessing justice, as specified in Sub-section 11 of Section 15A of Chapter IVA of the Act, relief and rehabilitation facilities provided to the victims and other matters connected therewith, prosecution of cases under the Act, role of different officers or agencies responsible for implementing the provisions of the Act and review of various reports received by the state government including that of the nodal officer and special officer.

The SVMC meetings have not been conducted regularly (see the chief ministers’ report card below). The minutes of those conducted have been made available. The original minutes are in Tamil. 

தமிழ் 2010 2012 2020 2021 2022 2023
English 2010 2012 2020 2021 2022

SVMC Report

SVMC Constitution

The State Vigilance and Monitoring Committee (SVMC) is constituted under Rule 16(1) of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Rules 1995. Since 2021, all MPs and MLAs from Tamil Nadu, belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, are members of the SVMC. Constitution of the committee does not mean that it has met even once. For the meetings see SVMC Minutes above, and the Chief Ministers Report Card below.

Quarterly Review

Quarterly reviews of the implementation of the Act are conducted by the nodal officer under Rule 9 of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Rules 1995.

Monthly Status

All district magistrates are to send a report to the state government under Rule 4(4) on the position of the cases and the protection of the rights of victims and witnesses on or before the 20th of the month. These are consolidated by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Protection Cell (the Social Justice and Human Rights Wing, SJHR, in Tamil Nadu) and sent to the nodal officer on or before the 20th of the month under Rule 8(1)(xi).

2024 (Status) July
2023 (Review / Status) Jan ACS Review February Review November Status
2022 (Review / Status) - Feb Review - April Status May Status - - August Review Sep Review - - -
August Status Sep Status
2021 (Status) - - - - - - July August Sep Oct Nov -

Important Circulars

The annexures to the schedule under Rule 12(4) indicate the minimum relief and rehabilitation to the victims and their dependents. As with most provisions for the vulnerable, the minimum has become the maximum. In a welcome departure from norm, Chief Minister Stalin enhanced these provisions in 2021.

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Act, a comprehensive review of the implementation of the Act was undertaken, as part of the annual stocktaking exercise based on data provided by the national and state crime records bureaus. There were many interesting findings, one of which was that there were more investigations done and convictions got when there was no dedicated investigating officer (Deputy Superintendent of Police) for the task. The data was all sourced from the government.

Chief Ministers' Report Cards

The State Vigilance and Monitoring Committee (SVMC) meetings are to be conducted every January and July according to Rule 16(2) of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Rules 1995. Conducting the meeting is directly under the control of the chief minister and is an important indicator of their commitment to the effective implementation of this Act, accountability of officials, and the protection of the rights of victims and witnesses.

The citizen’s reports bring together the data from the state annual report (Rule 18), the Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department (AD&TWD), the State Crime Records Bureau (SCRB), the Social Justice and Human Rights Wing (SJHR, the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes Protection Cell under Rule 8 in Tamil Nadu), and RTI requests in the districts.

Compiled totally from government, or government provided, data and subjected to rigorous analysis, it provides a birdseye view of the implementation of the Act in the state. After identifying the gaps in implementation and officials responsible, it has specific recommendations for remedial measures to the state mechanisms including the chief minister.

தமிழ் 2017 2020 2021 2022
English 2017 2020 2021 2022